What You Should Know About Blackjack

Blackjack is a game of chance played at casino tables. It is a popular choice among players for several reasons, including the chance to win big money. But, like any gambling game, there are a few things you should know about the game before you play it.

Basic Strategy

Using simple strategies, you can reduce the house advantage and increase your chances of winning. This strategy was developed by a group of mathematicians called the “Four Horsemen of Aberdeen,” who proved that you can beat the dealer at blackjack using a system of basic math. The strategy was published in 1956 and is available on numerous web sites.

What to Look for at a Blackjack Table

The first thing you should notice when playing blackjack is how the dealer behaves. Whether they reveal their hole card, bend their cards or make any other movements can indicate how much effort they are willing to put into the game and what their hand is worth.

It is also important to watch how long the dealer looks at their cards and what angle they bend them. This will help you decide whether or not you want to keep playing the game.

If the dealer shows a stiff card, you will likely want to move away from the table. This is because they will probably have a strong hand that can easily beat you.

The best way to avoid this is to read the rules on the table carefully. Most online and live casinos will have these rules in place, so be sure to read them before you get started.

Insurance Bets

In blackjack, you can make a bet that the dealer will have a blackjack (ace, king or queen). This is known as an insurance bet and pays two to one. However, if the dealer does not have a blackjack, you lose your original bet.

Basic Skills Required for a Blackjack Dealer

In addition to counting and paying out bets quickly, a blackjack dealer must have knowledge of the mathematical aspects of the game. This enables them to calculate the earnings of customers accurately, which can maintain the game’s momentum.


Blackjack dealers are trained to use active listening and verbal cues when communicating with guests. This skill enhances the quality of customer service and improves the game’s atmosphere.

They also practice delivering nonverbal cues to communicate that they are giving undivided attention. This can include nodding or paraphrasing the information being communicated to show that they understand it.

The dealer should also be able to change money and count it quickly for customers, which is another important skill. This enables them to spot counterfeit bills that might be thrown into the mix at the table.

A professional blackjack dealer can also communicate with guests on a variety of topics, such as the wagers that they have placed and how to play their hands. The ability to convey information in a clear and concise manner can make the difference between a good or bad game.